I've always thought that individuals who have a blog must have a certain I.Q. level or GPA in college. They need to be articulate, witty, insightful, original... Basically attributes I don't always associate with myself. I'm not that narcissistic! Well, not usually anyways :-D
I picked the title of Blonde Theologian because I have many musing and opinions about my faith (Christian), what I believe about it, how I think it should be applied/lived out, how others perceive it, how other Christians live out their life, and so on. My theology professor has a quote from Karl Barth that says "In the Church of Jesus Christ there can and should be no non-theologians". As a first year seminary, this is the first time I've ever thought of myself as a "theologian" and it's somewhat daunting. At least for me, I feel the weight of countless individuals who have come before me, are present now, and will one day be that have wrestled with God/Jesus/H.S/Christianity/the World, and understand it at a level I can never attempt. But, if Mr. Barth is correct, than I should try to.
That being said, I added the "Blonde" part because I am blonde and I wanted to express a sense of humor about all of this. I don't want to write a blog to start arguments (I'm okay if that happens though), but rather to give me a space to express the thoughts and opinions I have but don't know what to do with. I am a very opinionated and forceful individual, but I don't always have to be right. Sometimes I'm just waiting for some one to prove me wrong! I'm sucker for good Dumb Blonde Jokes, and Smart Blonde Jokes, so they might show up from time to time...
Anyways, I really don't expect anyone to ever read or "follow" this blog, but I'm okay with that. This blog is not being written for anyone else but me. However, if you (the elusive reader) do find something of interest or of help, I'm more than willing to share!
So, here we go!
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